Re: [AD] iPhone dependencies

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On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 18:24 -0600, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> Right now since our iPhone port cannot use cmake, the user has
> to do a lot of modifying of the project file if they want to get all
> of the features Allegro has to offer.

We should document those in any case (in readme_a5.txt I guess), just in
case someone wants to compile themselves. I only know of the freetype
libraries - I don't know much about OSX so when I had downloaded them
from the Ogre project I had no idea where to place them.

>  I'm proposing creating a directory
> somewhere under the 4.9/ tree where people could drop their properly
> built and named libraries and headers so that the project file could
> pick them up and use them.

Yes, sounds like a good interim solution to me.

>  I would supply all of the necessary binaries
> on (I just recently posted the Tremor binaries there). The
> user could optionally compile them themselves, though.


> This is not a perfect solution, however if we cannot get cmake to create
> project files, I think it's somewhere in between what we have now and
> what we have on the desktop platforms. If someone volunteers to make
> cmake work somehow (I've heard that Ogre does it, but I'm not sure if
> that is the case) then this is all moot as that would be ideal.

The Ogre one will only create unix makefiles (or only xcode project, I
forgot) - but also require some postprocessing with an additional script
they provide. Possibly still a better solution than the manual xcode
project we have now. Certainly not ideal though.

After some googling I also had found another solution last time which
also needs additional scripts and then only works with unix makefile or
xcode project (whatever was not supported by the Ogre cmake). So just
the same.

In the end it just means someone would have to spend quite some time
putting together a cmake build, possibly using one of the two solutions
above as reference and with the same limitations. So maybe it's better
we wait until cmake itself adds support for cross-compilation under OSX
for now.

Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>

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