Re: [AD] mouse movement

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Elias Pschernig wrote:

Yes, it's why we have ex_mouse_warp. And for X11 the feature works perfectly (not a single pixel of mouse movement gets lost when warping... very much unlike A4). I wouldn't object to having mouse movement behave the same in Windows

I don't believe there is no way of getting unconstrained mouse input on X11 and MacOSX. Maybe we can emulate it, like we do it in the example?

However, I do agree that such differences between platforms must not be exposed by Allegro. On the other hand, I don't feel like removing the code I've written and works flawlessly, and its only fault being that it provides superior features not available on other platforms. Someone else will have to do that.

(report always only the amount of pixels the *mouse cursor* was moved for movement).

Even if you are not moving the cursor, but a game character?

Milan Mimica

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