Re: [AD] iphone 4.0

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On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Just wondering, does Allegro 5 count as a 'compatibility layer'?

Even the previous wording: "3.3.1 — Applications ... must not use or
call any private APIs" makes Allegro illegal. Now it's even more
clear: "Applications that link to Documented APIs through an
intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are

And yes, you could make a claim that you are just including Allegro as
your project itself, but it doesn't really matter. Mr. Jobs can do
whatever he wants when it comes to accepting or rejecting your
application. Welcome to the future!

The practical enforcement is probably such that they don't want
"generic" apps to make it to the iPhone. If you are forced to develop
a true iPhone app, you'll have less time to make an app for a
competitor's phone.

Matthew Leverton

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