Re: [AD] iphone 4.0

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On 8 Apr 2010, at 16:34 , Peter Hull wrote:
> Just wondering, does Allegro 5 count as a 'compatibility layer'?

That's pretty retarded if you ask me. That's not what you asked though.

Ehm... it does sound like Allegro could be "an intermediary translation or compatibility layer". I don't think they can in any sense object to people writing their *own* API on top of Apple's official API and route all calls through that. Something similar would be shoving Allegro's source code into your own project and compile it as part of the project. Allegro is "written in C, C++, and Objective-C" and so is any code that uses Allegro to target the iPhone, so a project using Allegro should satisfy "only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs". I think. You don't write your program in some weird custom "Allegro language" that needs an "Allegro compiler".

I don't think something like Allegro is what they're targeting with this (I don't think they'd care one way or the other). I think "link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer" is really intended to mean "you can't write your app in flash and use a flash interpreter that translates to Apple's native APIs". Not sure why Apple thinks having a go at Adobe is a good thing to do, but that appears to be what they're doing.

I'm not an expert though. This question must come up in other communities (Ogre3D? Where we got the FreeType addon for the iPhone from) as well, so it might be worthwhile to ask them their opinion. We could also ask on the Apple development forums just to clear it up. It's something that we'd like to include in an FAQ: "Q: Can I legally use Allegro to make an iPhone app? A: Yes, you can".


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