Re: [AD] iphone 4.0

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On Fri, 2010-04-09 at 04:35 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On April 9, 2010, Matthew Leverton wrote:
> > 
> > But I cannot fathom them categorically preventing people from using a
> > third party library written directly in C/C++. It's such a fuzzy line
> > to draw.
> I'm willing to bet they will use it as an excuse to reject crappy (as per 
> their own definition, whatever that is) apps, while still allowing well 
> written, and useful apps even if they do use a compatibility layer.
> But as you say, apple has been finicky in the past, not exactly being clear 
> on what is and isn't allowed.

They have always been rejecting apps or pulling approved apps from the
store without reason. And they certainly won't categorically disallow
third-party APIs...

For example Wesnoth is just a recompile of the SDL version without using
any of Apple's objective C API but had a fixed spot in the top grossing
( )
- I can't see Apple preventing it from upgrading to OS4.

And all the games which are just ports of existing games are likely not
rewritten from scratch for IPhone OS but are just adjusted to compile
there as well.

Also all the Unity3D games, they run unmodified on all supported
platforms including IPhone OS and there seems to be lots of them. The
more I think about it only a small percentage of games are likely to be
written natively for IPhoneOS without a compatibility API for IPhone OS
specific calls - Apple would have to pull like 80% of games or so if
they meant their wording the way they wrote it :P

Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>

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