Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[13312] allegro/branches/4.9

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On 25 April 2010 11:40, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On April 24, 2010, Peter Wang wrote:
>> On 25 April 2010 10:39, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > I'm not sure I can see how xrandr info fetching can cause any serious
>> > cpu use, and even then audio just shouldn't stutter these days (least
>> > I find it hard to get audio to stutter even when both my cores are
>> > pegged, amarok and X/KDE can be locked up solid, but the audio will
>> > still play).
>> I think it has to do with analogue VGA connectors.  IIRC the flickering
>> happens when the analogue outputs are used (even as secondary monitors).
>>  Maybe the information it needs is not readily available so it uses some
>> brute force probing technique on those monitors.
> I haven't noticed such a problem on any of my systems (intel gma vs radeon
> vs gforce). So I'm not sure what's going on.

It doesn't seem to be always reproduceable (e.g. I can't reproduce it today!).
If you search for "XRRGetScreenResources flicker" you'll find quite a lot of
reports about it.

Here is a relevant thread and quote:

    "XRRGetScreenResources is an expensive call.  Always.  If gtk is calling
    it on every app startup they're absolutely insane."

although patches to mitigate the problem are proposed later in the thread.
I don't know if something like that is in the latest xorg. But...

Looking at GTK, it looks like they switched to relying on xinerama information
for a while, then restored randr _1.3_ support, using a call to
XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent instead of XRRGetScreenResources.

Indeed, although I can't reproduce the flicking/stuttering today,
with XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent Allegro programs start up quicker.
With XRRGetScreenResources I at least get a delay of maybe half a second.

So *Current looks to be the solution.


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