[AD] windowing

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I've been trying to catch up the development in the past few weeks and I feel I'm not too far behind, I just have some questions regarding fullscreen windowed mode and windows rezising API in general.

ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED is a display flag which (along with ALLEGRO_NOFRAME) can be toggled, unlike any other flag so far.

What is our allegro window supposed to do if al_resize_display() is called on a FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED display? I'd say it should just validate and remember the new size and use that it if ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED flag is ever toggled away. That way we guarantee that no API changes togglable display flags.


Can't the user emulate ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED himself with ALLEGRO_NOFRAME and al_get_monitor_info thing? That would erase all the above questions. We can have an example showing how to do it.

What is al_acknowledge_resize() used for? Why and when does the user need to ack it, can he just allow/disallow it? If the user doesn't ack it, the resize is not supposed to happen, right?

I'm sure some more questions will pop out of of those so I'll just stop here.

Milan Mimica

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