Re: [AD] Source forge project frontpage

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On 03/01/2010 08:05 AM, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
For me, it has a big green button saying "Download now! allegro-enduser-4.1.14.dmg.gz"
To which the reasonable response is, of course, "No don't, get something recent instead".

I'm not entirely sure how to change that or get rid of it, but I can look into that if no one else knows either (basically I'm not sure how SF decides which package to link to from there, I guess whichever is the most recent binary package for the detected platform).

In the file manager you can select which file should be automatically displayed for a given OS. Navigate the tree view in the manager and click the file you want to make the most recent. On the right hand side you can select its attributes.

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