Re: [AD] Allegro on Clang (OS X)

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On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I just ran Allegro (current SVN) through the Clang static analyser again in the background.
> Surprisingly enough, the static analyser does not report *any* problems at all anymore (in debug mode). That's either a good sign, or it means that I've screwed something up with my setup since the last time I ran the analyser. :P
May be the latter, I just tried it and got 322 errors (many of which
are null pointer things that would be caught by ASSERT in practice)
This was with cmake generating a debug build for xcode, from the
latest svn.
Just try again and see what happens, if you still get no errors we'll
have to work out why!


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