Re: [AD] Is this a misconfiguration on OS X?

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On 2010-02-14, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-02-14 at 9:06am, "Evert Glebbeek" <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On 13 Feb 2010, at 17:56 , Trent Gamblin wrote:
> >> Here's a patch. Maybe Evert can verify if this is actually correct 
> >> behaviour
> >> on OS X.
> > 
> > I guess.
> > What does the added INSTALL_NAME_DIR line do and why is it needed?

First hit on Google:

In short, the install_name of any library you link with is copied into
the executable.  At load time that is where the dynamic linker will look
for the library.  (Pretty stupid, IMHO.)

Allegro 4.4 does this:

+function(set_our_framework_properties target nm)
+        if(WANT_EMBED)
+            set(install_name_dir "@executable_path/../Frameworks")
+        else()
+            set(install_name_dir "${FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
+        endif(WANT_EMBED)
+        set_target_properties(${target}
+            PROPERTIES
+            FRAMEWORK on
+            OUTPUT_NAME ${nm}
+            INSTALL_NAME_DIR "${install_name_dir}"
+            )

So INSTALL_NAME_DIR depends if the user is building an embeddable
framework or not.  But the dynamic linker falls back to
/Library/Frameworks if the embedded framework isn't found anyway, so I
don't know why you would need an explicitly non-embeddable framework.

Anyway, Allegro 4.4 has the details.  I just have to get around to
making the same changes for 4.9. 


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