Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-2703105 ] remove END_OF_MAIN

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On Sun, January 24, 2010 9:10 am, Evert Glebbeek said:
> Ok, slightly cleaned up patch (including Trent's changes) attached. I'll probably just go ahead
> and commit this in a few hours.
> Differences with the previous patch include an attempt to also correct the iPhone port (but this
> is untested) and a fix for the UNIX magic main no-one uses anymore, so that's also untested. Where
> it's needed (ie, OS X) I've renamed _mangled_main to _al_mangled_main for no particular reason
> other than we've prefixed everything else.
> I've purged all mention of END_OF_MAIN() from the library.
> Something I should do is check all of the C++ examples and make sure they use main(int, char**),
> this should not be hard.

I will test it on MinGW, MSVC, and iPhone now if you can wait before committing it.

Trent :{)>

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