Re: [AD] A5 Audio API issues

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On 2010-01-17, Paul Suntsov <siegelords_abode@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 2. Provide file stream loading/saving functions
> > 
> > Right now all we have al_save_sample_wav_pf. We should have
> > all the other ones though, again to mimic the image addon.
> > 
> > So, we'll have to add:
> > al_load_{formats}_stream
> > al_load_{formats}_audio_stream_stream <-- awkward, but
> > that's how it is
> > al_save_wav_stream
> > 
> So I talked to Elias and Trent today on the IRC about this today, and
> they suggested using the _f suffix for all current and future _stream
> functions. Any issues with doing this? The only thing it might
> conflict with is the 'f' suffix for formatted text text functions.
> That suffix has no underscore in it, so it should be fine I think.

Ok for me, too.


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