Re: [AD] Improvements to the graphics drivers

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On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, October 10, 2009 2:39 pm, Paul Suntsov said:
>> So, there have been some discussion here, on the forums and irc about 3 major features that are
>> generally desirable for Allegro 5 to have. I wanted to start working up to implementing them, so I
>> figured I'd outline them here, with their rough proposed api. The are presented in the order I
>> think they should be implemented.
> It all sounds pretty useful to me. Especially #1 and #3.
> Trent :-)

I agree that #1 and #3 are good. I see some usefullness in #2 too but
I'd like to propose a different approach

In the original suggestion you'd have to load the source bitmaps
first, then put them into the atlas which destroys the source to make
it a subbitmap right?

I suggest you make a function that loads from file directly into an
atlas bitmap and returns subbitmap.
Perhaps it should return NULL if there's not enough space left in atlas?
BITMAP* al_load_bitmap_into_atlas(BITMAP* atlas);

As for the al_create_atlas function, I think that's unneccesary since
it's just an al_create_bitmap with one parameter instead of two.

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