Re: [AD] Suggestion: don't clear screen on iPhone |
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On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 09:17 -0600, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> When a display is created now it is always cleared to black and then the buffer is flipped so a
> black frame appears on the screen. However, on iPhone, this is a problem. On iphone there is
> something called "Default.png" which is displayed before your app gets to display anything. It
> should usually be a graphic that looks like the first frame will look when your program actually
> starts running. So what happens is default.png is zoomed into view and remains a few seconds, then
> the screen flashes to black, then your own code takes over and you draw your loading screen or
> whatever. The flash of black is the problem. I would like to remove the clear and flip in
> display_new.c only for the iphone port. Any problems with this?
Might actually be a good idea to do this in general - can always call
al_flip_display() manually after a call to al_create_display() to have
the same behavior as now - but you're not forced to display a black
screen. (I think I may have added the black screen because some examples
looked a bit broken without under X11 - but that can easily be fixed in
those examples.)
Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>