Re: [AD] make clean

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On 10 Sep 2009, at 20:40 , Peter Wang wrote:
Seems so.  I never run make clean so I didn't notice.

I almost never do, but I got bitten a few times when I did.

Is it a problem?

Yes. ;)

 The data is copied again when you run make,
although I suppose this could be dependent on the backend.
Or it is blowing away the data in an in-source build tree?

It's blowing away the original data in an out-of-source build.
Actually, that's not surprising, since Build/examples/data is a symlink to examples/data and it seems to delete the contents of the linked directory, rather than the link itself. I ahven't looked at how this is handled in detail, but it sounds like something that should be easy to fix...


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