Re: [AD] 4.9 docs

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On 2009-09-17, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed September 16 2009, Peter Wang wrote:
> > What happens if you run something like this in your build directory?
> > 
> >     PANDOC=cat ../docs/scripts/make_page --protos docs/protos
> >  ../docs/src/refman/acodec.txt
> > 
> Nope, no protos in there. I'm not sure why.

Weird.  That command runs:

    PROTOS=docs/protos awk -f ../docs/scripts/preprocess_page.awk \

My guess is that in preprocess_page.awk, the initial block to load the
prototypes into the array isn't working correctly.  Can you try putting
some print commands there to check?

Also, which version of awk are you using?


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