Re: [AD] 4.9 docs

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On Fri September 18 2009, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2009-09-18, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Thu September 17 2009, Peter Wang wrote:
> > > My guess is that in preprocess_page.awk, the initial block to load the
> > > prototypes into the array isn't working correctly.  Can you try putting
> > > some print commands there to check?
> >
> > I don't speak awk, I took a look, but I'm not sure whats going on, or
> > where I should place the prints.
> Here's the annotated version:
>     # Before executing the rest of the script, do this:
>     BEGIN {
> 	# Assign the value of environment variable `PROTOS' to a variable.
> 	# Read the next line from the protos file into a variable.
> 	# Until the end-of-file:
> 	while ((getline line < PROTOS) > 0) {
> 	    # Split the line into words, treating the string colon-space
> 	    # as a separator.
> 	    split(line, arr, /: /)
> 	    # Name the array elements.
> 	    name = arr[1]
> 	    text = arr[2]
> 	    # Append the new text to whatever text already is in the
> 	    # array for the given entry.
> 	    protos[name] = protos[name] "\n    " text
> 	}
> 	# Close the file.
> 	close(PROTOS)
>     }
> > > Also, which version of awk are you using?
> >
> > apt-show-versions says: mawk/stable uptodate 1.3.3-11.1
> >
> > mawk itself doesn't seem to have a way to ask it to show its version.
> I've tested with the same version.

I've tried putting a print in that main loop, it just causes mawk to hang 

> Peter
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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