Re: [AD] al_put/draw_pixel() speed |
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On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 15:39 -0500, Matthew Leverton wrote:
> I trimmed my program to a 200x32 video bitmap that gets drawn via the
> al_draw* primitives. It is then blitted to 600x400 video bitmap. That
> bitmap is drawn to the backbuffer (640x480). Repeat, as fast as it can
> go.
> 40 FPS D3D
> 5 FPS OpenGL
> Out of desperation, I tried setting ALLEGRO_NO_PRESERVE_TEXTURE.
> Manual: "This can lead to speed improvements in your program."
> 380 FPS D3D
> 5 FPS OpenGL
With OpenGL, if no FBO extension is available, you simply can only draw
to the screen - everything else will be really slow (downloading the
texture, drawing to it with our software routines, uploading it back to
opengl). Can you check in allegro.log if FBO is being used?
Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>