Re: [AD] Some thoughts about multi-window applications |
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On 2009-08-12, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Over the past few weeks I've been playing a bit with multiple windows
> in Allegro 5. For the most part, everything works great, but there are
> a few annoyances that I ran across:
> 1. When getting mouse (or keyboard) input the event struct does not
> contain a pointer to the active window (or if it does, that is not
> documented or clear from the examples). Not a problem, since you can
> keep track of switch in/out events yourself, but it is annoying and it
> would be convenient to have.
It's there and demonstrated by ex_mouse_focus and ex_keyboard_focus.
I'll document it in a bit.
> 2. Related question: I'm working under the assumption that the last
> created window has input focus. Is this true on all platforms (it
> would make sense)?
I think this is up to your window manager.
> 3. Not unimportant: I place the windows such that they don't overlap.
> To do this, I derive from the position of the first window and move
> the new window position by the window size and a little extra to
> account for window decorations. However, it is guananteed that the
> space taken up by decorations will be different across different
> platforms. Should we add a function that will return the window
> dimensions on the desktop for this reason? Does this functionality
> exist on all platforms?
I don't know.
> 4. al_toggle_window_frame does nothing on OS X. I'll have to check,
> but you may not be able to change this after the window was created.
> If that is so, maybe this function should return true or false,
> depending on whether the call was succesful or not (not that it would
> matter too much - what are you going to do if it fails, after all?)