Re: [AD] new mouse cursors

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On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Evert Glebbeek<eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> For reference, the standard cursors available on OS X are listed on
>  (with images).
Regarding resizing, it seems like we'd need to add the four
bidirectional cursors just to be safe: NS, EW, NW_SE, NE_SW.

It's easy in Windows to pick an appropriate cursor for all 12 resizing
ones, but in OS X, I think the six diagonal ones should be ignored.

The disappearing item pointer is more obscure than the up arrow (alt
select) for Windows, heh. But I'm not opposed to adding any
purpose-driven cursor that is standard in a major OS. But (e.g.) I see
no compelling reason to add an umbrella (?) icon as it doesn't mean

>With the exception of CURSOR_LINK (which would map to Pointing Hand) I
>don't think any of these have a direct equivalent.
PRECISION would map to crosshairCursor

Matthew Leverton

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