Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[12523] allegro/branches/4.9

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On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 11:46 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> > > It's actually ALLEGRO_FILE.  Still want to change it?
> > 
> > to _file maybe?
> I avoided that because al_load_<format>_file doesn't distinguish it much
> from al_load_<format>.  _fh is fine to me.
> be ALLEGRO_AUDIOSTREAM... but I'm NOT suggesting that because it affects
> a lot of function names badly.]

Well, _fh is no better than _fp considering the parameter type is
ALLEGRO_FILE. The al_load_*_entry name was from when ALLEGRO_ENTRY was
actually used as file handle.

What about using just _f? If what we're doing is add some suffix without
much meaning, then _f should be as good as _fp or _fh.

> > I also think we should rename these two at the same time:
> > 
> > al_stream_from_file -> al_stream_sample
> > al_load_config_file -> al_load_ini
> "Sample" suggests a short sound snippet to me.
> al_stream_audio/al_stream_audio_file?

Maybe we should rename ALLEGRO_SAMPLE to ALLEGRO_AUDIO? When the
documentation measures the length of "samples" in a unit of "samples",
it doesn't really make sense right now.

> > Also, why is there no al_stream_from_file_fp currently? Is it not
> > needed?
> No reason, I think.

I wonder if streaming an .ogg from inside a .zip works. I guess it
should work, even without such a function. Still seems that if we
provide _fp functions for some file types, we should provide it for all.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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