Re: [AD] Slowness of sub-bitmaps

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On Tue July 7 2009, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> I noticed the other day that sub bitmaps (in current SVN) are so
> horribly slow (at least on my MacBook) that they are unusable. Is this
> likely to be the same problem that people have reported for font
> rendering (I'm guessing it is)?

If they are that slow, then I'd have to say yes. But a sub bitmap shouldn't be 
more than a regular bitmap.. Are we talking display bitmap or memory bitmap 
(some cards have shit slow glDrawPixels, so drawing memory bitmaps is also 
shit slow). But as a display subbitmap _should_ only use different texcoords, 
it should be as fast as a regular display bitmap :o

Or at least thats how I see it.

> Evert
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