Re: [AD] al_get_path

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Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
On Sat April 4 2009, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> Really depends on the game/app. Many times you'll have the filenames stored
 > in a config file or some other place, and that api can provide a
 > blah_get_path() function for you. like
 > al_load_bitmap(al_config_get_path(item, default));

Also, except in the very smallest minority of cases, you'll be building the full path to an image or resource using a pre configured base path, and a relative path, so many/most people will be wanting to use ALLEGRO_PATH for just about all path names everywhere.

Yes, I agree, I wouldn't really mind changing the API in such a way I think, but would have to think more about it. Tt would be a much bigger and more far-reaching change though and deserve its own thread. For al_get_path on the other hand it seems really logical to me to return an ALLEGRO_PATH, independent of the rest of the API. It even has "path" in its name already :)

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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