Re: [AD] 4.9.10 this weekend

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On 29 Apr 2009, at 13:51 , Peter Wang wrote:
I'll release 4.9.10 this weekend.

I won't have time to work on Elias' END_OF_MAIN() patch until at least the 11th (I'm on holiday until then). Don't let that stop you (it shouldn't anyway), but just so you know.

What I'm planning to look into is the following:
1. No magic main is needed in Linux or Windows (Linux is obvious, Windows requires a #pragma for MSVC but otherwise works in MinGW). 2. Magic main is needed in OS X. I plan to structure this as an add-on (with our own main placed within a static lib that has to be linked in), but one that Allegro will include by default (on OS X). Disabling magic main is then as simple as telling Allegro not to rename main- >allegro_main (or whatever) and not linking in liballegmain. I think this is similar to how SDL works. 3. For consistency, we could make allegro_main() always work on all platforms (eg, #define allegro_main main in Linux/Windows).


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