Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-2722294 ] iio addon needs renaming

[ Thread Index | Date Index | More Archives ] wrote:
Initial Comment:
iio functions still use al_iio_* for function names. Rename to fit the al_verb_none scheme.

- al_iio_add_handler -> al_add_image_handler
- al_iio_load -> al_load_image
- al_iio_load_entry -> al_load_image_entry
- al_iio_save -> al_save_image
- al_iio_save_entry -> al_save_image_entry

I think we should decide whether we want to call it "bitmap" or "image". Personally, I think "image" makes more sense. And we should have ALLEGRO_IMAGE, al_draw_image, and so on.

But if we keep using bitmap for those, then al_iio_load should have been renamed to al_load_bitmap and not al_load_image.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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