Re: [AD] file loading

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On Sun April 19 2009, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On 19 Apr 2009, at 16:27 , Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > It's probably related to the assertions I'm getting:
> Ok, maybe not. I don't know.
> This is the problem I get:
> al_install_system() tries to read the configuration file before
> initialising the system.
> To read the configuration file, al_fopen() is called.
> Because the file I/O interface is now a per-thread setting, al_fopen()
> calls into TLS to retrieve the file I/O driver.
> Because TLS is not initialised (on OS X) until the system has been
> initialised, the returned file I/O driver is NULL, triggering the
> assert.

There is no reason to have per thread vtables. and all it'll do is make io 
that much slower (tls != fast). I don't know why it was changed.

> There is also an associated problem of the TLS file I/O driver never
> being set on OS X, but the code aborts before it gets there.
> I'm going to work around the issue for the time being by simply
> returning a pointer to the stdio driver if TLS has not been
> initialised, but we should rethink the logic here.
> Can we also go back to testing patches like this on ALL supported
> platforms before committing? Would have saved me half the afternoon.

That would be nice. I always tried to make sure allegro worked when 

> Evert
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