Re: [AD] file loading |
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On 19 Apr 2009, at 17:23 , Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
There is no reason to have per thread vtables. and all it'll do is make iothat much slower (tls != fast). I don't know why it was changed.
Well, I wouldn't say that there is no reason; I can see that there are situations where it's useful. Whether it's something that's necessary is another matter; I'd say probably not. I also don't know how big the overhead of TLS is in practice, so I don't know whether it's significant compared to file I/O or not.
On Sun April 19 2009, Evert Glebbeek wrote:There is also an associated problem of the TLS file I/O driver never being set on OS X, but the code aborts before it gets there.
I was actually mistaken here: that isn't in issue. I was confused by all the conditional compilations in tls.c.
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