Re: [AD] search path?

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On 2009-04-15, Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter Wang wrote:
> > 
> > That was my next question.  I think we need to be able to register
> > handlers for different URI schemes.  At path without a URI scheme will
> > default to file://, which is implemented with stdio, but may be
> > overridden if you want to remote filesystem support (somehow).
> What if the URI scheme is not found? For example
> al_load_bitmap("C://Documents//mysha.png")

Yes, that's unfortunate.  So maybe we have to special case drive
letters, or fallback to the default filesystem (but that doesn't seem
so safe).

> > I think we can delegate the search path stuff to the backend that
> > implements each URI scheme. e.g. you can have "phys:baboon.tga"
> > search through multiple archives, you just have to use backend-specific
> > functions to set the search path.
> > 
> Maybe we also could have something like:
> al_set_uri_scheme("phys")
> Which would make the default uri scheme "phys" instead of "file" (in the current 
> thread). I can see cases where someone would want to use the physfs addon to 
> interpret all paths and never use Allegro's stdio, and then this would be nice.

Makes sense.


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