Re: [AD] Vertex Attribute Types

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Paul Suntsov wrote:

So, I am expanding the flexibility of the vertex buffers for the primitives addon, to make them less useless for people with shader needs. I would like to know how imporant it is to have the ability to use multiple different types of storage of each atribute. E.g. a position might be stored as a triplet of floats, or a triplet of integers. Colours might be packed into one int, or be a quad of floats etc etc.

It would be a lot simpler to enforce using only floats... but maybe that is too restrictive?

I have no idea what this is about... if you want input from me you need to describe in way more detail, best with including code examples of the different alternatives.

(Just mentioning so there won't be complaints like with the fshooks addon.)

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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