Re: [AD] 4.4.0 RC1

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On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:39 AM, scott mc <scottmc2@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm having trouble building Allegro 4.4RC1 on haiku, specifically it's
> tripping up on alconfig.h, see the make output starting near line 440
> in this pastebin:
> There's been numerous changes to haiku since the last time I tried
> building the 4.3.10plus branche so not sure if it's something that
> changed in haiku or something in the 4.3.10plus branch.  Any ideas on
> what to check for?
> -scottmc

Turns out i grabbed the .7z file, then tried the .zip, those both have
DOS/Windows end of line chars, grabbing the .tar.gz file instead got
me much further along.
I'm now running into issues with again, like we saw back in
November.  I'll take a closer look at it in the next few days to see
if I can get it building on Haiku again.

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