Re: [AD] Preparing for 4.9.9

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On 10 mrt 2009, at 10:22, Elias Pschernig wrote:
However, some testing with the mingw cross-compiler reveals that it is
only working under Windows with static linking. With SHARED enabled in
cmake, gcc complains about not finding al_main while creating the DLL.

I thought the point was that we wanted the magic main to be in a static library anyway? Besides (as I said), there is a patch (on the mailing list somewhere) that makes it possible to use main() instead of WinMain() on Windows. IIRC, no special code is needed for MinGW, and MSVC requires a #pragma.

Also, the trick to allow "int main(void)" does not work for C++ as the
prototype has to be declared with extern "C", and C++ does not allow
inexact prototypes as C does.

Ah, maybe C++ was the reason. But I'm not sure I understand: we simply #define main al_main, then have the "extern void al_main(int, char **);" in our own (C) source file - so the C++ compiler would not see this at all?
(I didn't look at your attached patch to verify any of this).


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