Re: [AD] Preparing for 4.9.9

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2009/3/10 Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 17:20 -0700, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
>> On 9 mrt 2009, at 17:17, Peter Wang wrote:
>> > Apart from the problem with ex_pixelformat, is there anything that
>> > needs to be resolved before another WIP release, say, in the next
>> > couple of weeks?
>> I don't think so, but I'd like to try the pkg-config support on OS X.
> I'd really like to fix END_OF_MAIN. I can update my old patch if that's
> the solution we want (basically, copy SDL behavior, except do not
> redefine "main" but instead require programs to define an "al_main").

I think this should be done near the start of a WIP release cycle, as we need
time to check all platforms.  I suggest to focus on fixing more urgent
problems for the release, then make this change soon after the release.
Of course you could start working on it in your local workspace.

> I
> could also make it so a fixed "int main(int argc, char **argv)"
> prototype is expected like with SDL by simple adding:
> #define main al_main
> However, as Allegro programs are not normal C programs - under Windows,
> they really use WinMain() and not main(), and under OSX the "main"
> function just is a user thread function) - I think *not* naming the
> function "main" actually is the better thing to do. Why make users
> believe they use main() when they don't.
> About the arguments of the function, it's not possible to allow "int
> al_main(int argc, char **argv)" as well as "int al_main(void)". So we'd
> have to choose one.

Well, there is no choice, the command line arguments must be available.


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