Re: [AD] Memory Bitmap to Display blit slow?

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On 28 feb 2009, at 13:58, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
I've been noticing this for a while now, but under linux, with the nvidia binary drivers, bliting a memory bitmap to a regular allegro 5 display is
horrendously slow.

It's always been like that for my in OS X, so I don't think it's a Linux issue. I haven't tried this example, but the ex_membmp example shows the same behavior: it's 4fps vs 1230fps.

Anyone else have any ideas? As it is, bliting memory bitmaps to a display is unusable on my system right now.

I guess something is ot being done entirely correctly somewhere, but I have no idea where or even where to start looking.
Some of our OpenGL guru's will have to look into this. ;)

Also, in a related note, when I turn the same example's blending off, the text
disappears and the primitives change brightness.

I can't reproduce this in that sense, but when I change the brightness nothing much happens at all, except for the drawing order between text and primitives apparently changing (primitives now go over the text instead of behind the text).
I haven't looked into this.


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