Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11675] allegro/branches/4.9/src/macosx

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On 23 feb 2009, at 10:27, Milan Mimica wrote:
+ { ALLEGRO_FLOAT_DEPTH, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 1}, // Correct?

ALLEGRO_FLOAT_DEPTH specifies a float format depth buffer, it has nothing to do
with colors.

Ok, in that case it's unsupported.

+ { ALLEGRO_DOUBLEBUFFERED, 0, 0}, // Only have inverse of this

Use this value instead of the display flag. Eventually we'll remove the flag internally and make set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_SINGLEBUFFER) set the ALLEGRO_DOUBLEBUFFERED setting. We'll do the same for display color format.
That's how I imagined it.

I check both at the moment (have to, since I can't map SINGLEBUFFER to DOUBLEBUFFER without inverting it).

+   /* Now go through all other options, if set */
+   for (n = 0; n < number_of_settings; n++) {
+      i = allegro_to_osx_settings[n][0];
+      if (allegro_to_osx_settings[i][1] && extras &&

Um what? You are using the value of the allegro setting as an index in the

It's a typo. Obviously. Geez.

One thing you're missing is setting ALLEGRO_DISPLAY::extra_settings. You should set it to values that were accepted by the driver so that user can query them. If you won't do this now, then at least set ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY to 1,
indicating that a context suitable for allegro has been chosen.
So something like
dpy->parent.extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY] = 1;

I'll see if I get round to it tonight.


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