Re: [AD] ex_multisample

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On 15-Feb-09, at 9:49 AM, Milan Mimica wrote:
Done it for WGL. The internal visual selection API is platform independent, all you have to do is to convert each visual into platform independent format (fill the ALLEGRO_EXTRA_DISPLAY_SETTINGS structure) and pass it to the scorer, which
will compare it to the one that the user requested. Function
select_pixel_format() from src/win/wgl_disp.c is a good reference of how to do
it, and AGL has all the code.

I'm not at all familiar with AGL's internals, but I can try to do it for OS X.

I say we keep both variants and specify that al_set_display_option() is intended
for advanced users.

Yes. There's no way I would like having to type all that extra stuff.

Also I think this functions should have a "new" in their name, like this:
void al_set_new_display_option(option, value, importance);
int al_get_new_display_option(option, *importance) //maybe not even necessary int al_get_display_option(option); //returns an option of the current display So the the user can find out whether his SUGGESTion was accepted or not.

More importantly in my mind, this makes it clear that calling one of these functions will not affect the exiting display.


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