Re: [AD] Runtime Gfx Mode Info - Submission for A4.3.11+

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On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 05:21 -0600, Edgar wrote:
> > Like this (">" for level of quoting).  Your email client should do it
> > automatically.

It should have a space after the >.

> Did the very first quote work? For the last two quotes I used right 
> click and 'paste as quotation' in Thunderbird.
> > It looks pretty good to me.  Let's see what others have to say.
> Alright, sounds good.

SomethingI'm wondering - what is the DEFINITIVE flag good for? Can't you
just test for fullscreen/windowed instead? The functions seem useful in
any case (now just lets hope we actually will have a 4.4 release).

> On a side note, I've been thinking about a change to the way 
> gfx_mode_select* requires that you pass in the default values for card, 
> w, h, and color_depth. The restriction could be removed by adding a 
> parameter indicating whether to use default values, or it could be 
> removed by having zero stored in the parameters passed to the function 
> where no default value should be used. What do you think? The way it is, 
> users basically have to know beforehand which values would be on the 
> list and to pick a set of them, but if they want to use 
> gfx_mode_select_filter with a dynamic filter, they might not always be 
> able to guess what would be left for the available modes. If the 
> gfx_mode_select* functions just set the selections to the first entry in 
> the list when default values weren't passed in that should be fine right?

Sounds good to me. I wouldn't even know what happens right now if the
default mode is not in the list, I'd have thought it already selects the
first entry in that case.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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