Re: [AD] native filechooser addon

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On 20-Feb-09, at 9:58 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
For things like a level editor, it can be really useful to display the
system's standard file-open dialog to select files - even if the rest of
the program uses just Allegro 5. The attached addon adds two functions
to allow it.

For now, only a GTK filechooser is implemented. But if someone wants to
add Windows/OSX/Qt versions, I think this will be quite nice.

I personally think it's fine to add this to SVN already. I had a quick look at what's there and it should be fairly straightforward to make an OS X version for this. Two quick comments about that though:
1. The OS X file will be osx.m, not osx.c. This shouldn't be a problem.
2. OS X allows you to specify a list of extensions (without the leading .); it does not appear to allow you to specify a full pattern to match. Arguably it would be more useful for the file-dialog addon to work this way too, I think.


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