Re: [AD] al_update_display_region

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2009/2/26 Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Ok, I tried doing this with current SVN. I *think* I understood all the
> code I modified for WGL/D3D/OSX-GL and adjusted it correctly - people
> who can compile and test each of those should make sure though :) Also,
> as I said in the commit message, this might not be the last change, it's
> not really clear why e.g. ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN is passed to
> al_set_new_display_flags and not al_set_new_display_option...

What Evert said. Internally, drivers should only check display options.
So you replaced ALLEGRO_SINGLEBUFFER flag with with the ex.
ALLEGRO_DOUBLEBUFFERED option? Must not a flag be a multiple of 2?
Maybe it is, but how do you make sure it says when adding/removing

> Also, I noticed that ex_expose now fail here because it uses this:
> al_set_new_display_format(ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY_32_NO_ALPHA);
> Looking at allegro.log, it wants to select a mode where color_size == 32
> but alpha_size == 0... which is somewhat impossible.

It's not impossible, that's RGBX, for example. Why request a pixel
format which is apparently not available on all platforms (or there is
a bug in pixel format selection)?

Milan Mimica

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