Re: [AD] Addon public API function declarations

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Elias Pschernig wrote:

Well, look for example at a5_font.h. What is the reason to have the
author of the addon #define their own _ALLEGRO_FONT_DLL instead of just
using a macro like _ALLEGRO_ADDON_DLL which can be shared by all addons?
The entire first half of that header could then be removed, making it a
lot more readable.

a5_font uses a5_iio.

a5_font.h has ALLEGRO_FONT_FUNC(void, al_font_init, (void));
a5_iio.h  has A5_IIO_FUNC(bool, al_iio_init, (void));
font.c includes both

When compiling font.c, ALLEGRO_FONT_FUNC needs to expand to __declspec(dllexport), A5_IIO_FUNC needs to expand to __declspec(dllimport). Using different macros or each addon is the easiest way to achieve this.

Milan Mimica

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