Re: [AD] pending issues

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On 28-Jan-09, at 11:26 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
Another issue which could be done before the next release is

Ah yes, that's one of the other things on my list.

I can update and apply the patch I sent some time ago, it
simply makes it so that instead of:

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   user code...

user code would have:

int al_main(int argc, char **argv)
   user code...

This is only a syntactic change, the advantages are that it looks better
(no macro call required), and that it would be the same on all

It's the same on all platforms right now too. :P

The real main function would still be in the .dll/.so as it is now -
changing that can wait until later (and would be only an internal

So, to be clear on this, the user needs to link to a "liballegro_main.a" to get his "proper" main function, right? Not linking to that will disable magic main (and breaks Allegro on OS X), but it will be automatically included by `allegro-config --libs` on *nix (when needed and including OS X) and isn't actually needed (anymore) on Windows.
Do I understand this correctly?


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