Re: [AD] unicode proposal |
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On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 11:05 -0700, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> Hmm, right now the string you get from readdir is a byte for byte copy of the
> string the OS returns. so it aught to work, but may not be displayable in any
> usefull form.
> I intend to make sure the functions under windows always use the wide char
> funcs (16bit unicode), and down convert to utf8. That shouldn't break anything
> afaik. What might break is if the files are actually in some strange encoding
> like sjis or whatnot (which they shouldn't be in NT based OSs, but you never
> know). With linux, it may break files that aren't in the right encoding to
> begin with. We might be better off not converting at all if we want this to
> work... But honestly, why do you have mixed filenames? Especially in an allegro
> app, a very large percentage of applications using allegro will only use files
> it ships.
Yeah, the only time we need conversion then is in Windows - but that's
no problem as it's 1:1.
> Do we "fix" the issue by catering to a (very) small minority of users? And then
> force everyone else to convert from the OS format (UCS2 or ascii, or some
> strange encoding that they might not be able to detect) to UTF8 (or ascii
> maybe) every time they interact with the filesystem?
Hm, not sure I follow.. it would be required in Windows, as you could
not display the filenames otherwise.
> Maybe we can provide a "displayname" corralary to the "al_fs_entry_name"
> function, the entry keeps two versions, one in UTF8 to hand out to the user to
> display, and one in whatever format it was given to give back to the os? That
> might make the ALLEGRO_PATH stuff interesting. It parses and builds its strings
> using U_CURRENT iirc.
Well, I feel things get a lot simpler if we get rid of all the "current
encoding" semantics and just say our whole API is UTF-8. That's the
whole point of this thread :)
Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>