Re: [AD] Addon public API function declarations

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On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 13:16 -0800, Paul Suntsov wrote:
> Hello, I've noticed that the A5 addons right now declare their public
> api functions via some odd looking macros. For my primitives addon,
> should I follow the same convention? At a glance, the little macros
> are the same across the addons, sans for the names of course, so
> perhaps they could be standardized somehow? Alternatively, can I just
> use ALLEGRO_FUNC macro instead?

I was wondering about those macro definitions as well, my understanding
is they are needed for the Windows DLL versions. I'd be all for only
having one set of macros and re-using them in all addons though, the
current way likely makes it impossible writing external addons.

> As for the primitives addon itself, I am almost done with a first
> release of it, and will be sending it along shortly. I just need to
> figure out some sort of cool example program for it. More info on that
> when I send it.

Sounds great. More important than a cool example would be some tests to
verify that border-cases of clipping and polygon pixel overlaps and
things like that work correctly with all drivers. Those things never
worked with A4's polygon functions :)

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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