[AD] Finding the current directory path

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Hi all.

I have a small but oft recurring problem with my Allegro port, which is to
do with the current directory.

Often this is assumed by Allegro to be "./" which works on Unix and I
believe also on Windows.  However, on the Amiga this doesn't work - the
current directory is simply "".  So trying to open a file such as
"./allegro.cfg" will fail.

I have changed a couple of files in Allegro to strip out this ./ prefix for
now, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to do this
more generically.  Is there any actual need for Allegro to use ./ even on
Unix?  A good example of this is in file.c:pack_fopen_chunk() on line 1987
where it has the comment:

/* Give up - try current directory */

Any reason why it strdup()'s "./" and not ""?

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