Re: [AD] OS X full screen resize (was Re: Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki))

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On 10-Dec-08, at 2:53 AM, Milan Mimica wrote:
You should really not be calling al_destroy_display() when resizing a
display as it will allocate a new AL_DISPLAY pointer and everything...

To clarify, it crashes on al_destroy_display() at the end of the program; things are fine* after al_resize_display() up until that point.

* As far as I can tell from the simple example program.

From the backtrace you posted it could be that the context is
destroyed before the bitmaps are converted... but I can't be sure
what's going on there.

Wouldn't it crash on al_reize_display() or the subsequent blit to the screen if that were the case?


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