Re: [AD] custom DLLs with cmake

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On Wed, 2008-12-24 at 04:19 -0800, Chris Robinson wrote:

> Wouldn't it be better to fix the problem (so that disabling D3D or OGL 
> produces a binary-compatible DLL)?

I assume it simply means providing empty versions of all public
D3D/OpenGL functions if the #ifdef check fails? Probably that should be
done anyway.

> Otherwise, I personally think it's fine. 
> It helps keep users/developers from accidentally creating a DLL that doesn't 
> work with other Allegro games.

How would this ever be a problem? It's not that the DLL I distribute
with my game could somehow magically spread into the internet and cause
incompatibilities. Also, we could simply rename it instead.

> If someone wants to purposely make a 
> binary-incompatible DLL, they can remove that check.

Not really, cmake files are hard to read. I needed a long time to find
this. All I did was uncheck the D3D option in cmake-gui because my game
uses OpenGL commands so I can't possibly have use for it. And I didn't
expect this to suddenly forbid me DLL creation.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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