Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11244] allegro/branches/4.9

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On 30-Nov-08, at 2:45 PM, mmimica@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
   /* Put the contents back to the bitmap. */
-   bitmap->format = tmp->format;
-   bitmap->flags = tmp->flags;
-   bitmap->pitch = tmp->pitch;
-   bitmap->display = NULL;
-   bitmap->locked = false;
-   bitmap->w = tmp->w;
-   bitmap->h = tmp->h;
-   bitmap->cl = tmp->cl;
-   bitmap->ct = tmp->ct;
-   bitmap->cr = tmp->cr;
-   bitmap->cb = tmp->cb;
-   bitmap->parent = NULL;
-   bitmap->xofs = bitmap->yofs = 0;
-   bitmap->memory = tmp->memory;
+   memcpy(bitmap, tmp, tmp->size);

Is this correct? The original code copied some elements from tmp and set some of them to 0, the new code copies all of them from tmp.


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