Re: [AD] Audio addon API / Re: Renaming of functions in kcm_audio addon

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On 2008-11-30, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 30-Nov-08, at 9:33 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
> > You can create ALLEGRO_SAMPLEs ahead of time.
> Sure, but then you need to keep track of whether you should start  
> bullet_sound[20] or bullet_sound[21]. It's the sort of thing I'd like  
> not to have to think about. ;)
> > Actually, that might be a better way to go for these "detachable"
> > samples, too.  Create a number of them ahead of time.  When one  
> > finishes
> > playing, instead of destroying it, automatically set its data  
> > pointer to
> > point to NULL to indicate it can be used for a later sound effect.
> Good idea.
> What would be a reasonable number for Allegro to keep around? 8? 10?  
> That's similar to what A4 provides, if I recall correctly?

There should be no problem letting the user choose.

> > Hmm, yes, that is a problem.  Maybe we should have a function to force
> > all playing samples to stop.
> That might be a good function to have anyway.
> > And/or use the recycling idea above instead of destroying  
> Makes sense, but I'm not sure how that solves the problem of  
> destroying the data while it's being used by an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it means you can query a sample's
playback status without having it destroyed in the background.


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