Re: [AD] Audio addon API / Re: Renaming of functions in kcm_audio addon

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On 26-Nov-08, at 10:55 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
On 2008-11-26, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1. Rename al_load_sample -> al_load_sample_data()



I'm not sure it's quite right.  Most games like to play multiple
instances of the same sample data simultaneously, e.g. gun shots.

Right. Hadn't thought of that, or rather, I hadn't considered that that wouldn't be possible. That is a bit of a pain. Actually, how does one play multiple instances of the sample at a time through A5's API? You cannot attach the same ALLEGRO_SAMPLE to more than one mixer at a time and calling al_play_sample() again seems to reset the voice to the beginning of the sample rather than play a new instance of it (from looking at the code, I haven't actually tried this yet).

2. Have a function that creates and plays an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE from an
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_DATA, attaching it to the default mixer.


3. Allow ALLEGRO_SAMPLEs to be "detachable", i.e. automatically
destroy themselves when finished playing. Only non-looping samples can
be detached.  Maybe the function for (2) should always create detached

One minor problem with this: the sample would need to be destroyed by the function that monitors playing samples, but that's specific to each driver. In other words, every driver would have to check whether the sample has to be destroyed and do that when necessary. It shouldn't be necessary to do that on the level of each driver. The pain can be eased somewhat by making a function "_al_destroy_detachable_sample()", but it's still a bit ugly.

Instead, maybe al_play_sample_data() should create a new thread where a new sample is created from the sample data, the sample is played (the thread rests until it is done playing) and then destroyed. It's a bit hackish though.

One snag: with such a system, how would one check whether the sound is still playing? You can't query an ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_DATA object and the ALLEGRO_SAMPLE is hidden from the user.

4. When the audio addon is shut down, samples should automatically be
destroyed. When Allegro is shut down, sample datas should automatically
be destroyed.



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