Re: [AD] another web site proposal

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On 2008-12-16, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2008-12-15, Marco Radaelli <xoot123@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Thank you for having brought up the argument.
> > 
> > What's the website current status regarding translations?
> I forgot about it.  I'll try to add it soon.  It would work as I
> described, where translated files override the English files.

Done.  I took the simplest option of using the `lndir` program (comes
with X11) to generate a directory of symlinks pointing to either files
from the target language directory or `en`.  Then everything pretty much
just works as before.

It doesn't help so much people working on Windows where symlinks don't
exist, or where lndir might be hard to get.  Probably the solution is to
do like Elias says and write the scripts in Python one day.


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