Re: [AD] another web site proposal

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El 09/11/2008, a las 6:01, Peter Wang escribió:

Nonetheless, trapped in the cycle as we are, I've added an allegrowww2 module
and imported most of the current English web site into it.

You can see the current state of it at:

Links are broken, etc.  They should be fixed up eventually.

Some time between now and new year I should replace my old server with a new machine. I'm wondering if this would also be a good time to replace the web page with the new pandoc system.

To be honest I haven't read yet the latest SourceForge's news, so maybe there's no need for me any more to keep a cron job running, I'll be reading some of that now as well. Maybe now having a web page is as easy as clicking the right checkbox on SourceForge's admin page...

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